For business audience publishers only! Bring your niche-specific questions, brainstorming, and venting to this “open mic” afternoon with your peers. Talk sales teams, staff hiring, remote work, print costs, digital tools, overhead, new revenue, market shifts, financing, events and more. Excellent way to get the ideas flowing and make peer connections to keep chatting with for the rest of the week.
For consumer/hobbyist/city & regional publishers only! Bring your niche-specific questions, brainstorming, and venting to this “open mic” afternoon with your peers. Talk sales teams, staff hiring, remote work, print costs, digital tools, overhead, new revenue, inflation concerns, shifting readership, and more. Excellent way to get the ideas flowing and make peer connections to keep chatting with for the rest of the week.
Three publishing tech experts share their thoughts and strategies on the future of AI and how it will change the face of publishing (and everything else!) forever. This is a great “state of the industry” discussion driver and foundation for the rest of your strategy sessions at the Conference.